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Tourniquet Conversion: A Recommended Approach in the Prolonged Field Care Setting

Fall 2015

Drew B, Bird D, Matteucci M, Keenan S. 15(3). 81 - 85. (Journal Article)


Life-saving interventions take precedence over diagnostic maneuvers in the Care Under Fire stage of Tactical Combat Casualty Care. The immediate threat to life with an actively hemorrhaging extremity injury is addressed with the liberal and proper use of tourniquets. The emphasis on hemorrhage control has and will continue to result in the application of tourniquets that may not be needed past the Care Under Fire stage. As soon as tactically allowable, all tourniquets must be reassessed for conversion. Reassessment of all tourniquets should occur as soon as the tactical situation permits, but no more than 2 hours after initial placement. This article describes a procedure for qualified and trained medical personnel to safely convert extremity tourniquets to local wound dressings, using a systematic process in the field setting.

Keywords: prolonged field care; tourniquets; tourniquet conversion; Tactical Combat Casualty Care

PMID: 26360360