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Patella Fracture in US Servicemember in an Austere Location

Spring 2018

Schermerhorn SM, Auchincloss PJ, Kraft K, Nelson KJ, Pamplin JC. 18(1). 142 - 144. (Journal Article)


Objective: Review the management of a patient with acute patella fracture supported by telemedical consultation. Clinical Context: Regionally Aligned Forces (RAF) supporting US Army Africa/Southern European Task Force (USARAF/ SETAF) in Africa Command area of responsibility. Care was provided by a Role I facility on the compound. Organic Expertise: Three 68W combat medics; one Special Operations Combat Medic (SOCM). Closest Medical Support: Organic battalion physician assistant (PA) located in the United States; USARAF PA located in a European country; French Role II located in nearby West African country; telemedical consults via e-mail, phone, or videoteleconsultation. Earliest Evacuation: Estimated at 12 to 24 hours with appropriate clearances.

Keywords: critical care; telemedicine; military personnel; emergency treatment; patient transfer; prolonged field care

PMID: 29533450